Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In Christ Alone

Who are you?  How would you describe yourself?  What is your identity?

I've been struggling with this a lot lately.  I'm graduating from grad school in May...and then what?  I'm already done with coursework...  While it's nice not to have a ton of homework, reading, papers, tests, etc. I still haven't fully grasped that I will never be a student that sits in classes constantly again.  And a lot of me misses that already because I really enjoy learning.  Continuing to take classes is my way of putting off fully growing up.  When I went to college, I wanted a degree that put me in a specific position because it always felt easier to plan out.  As a speech-language pathologist, I still have so many options of where I could work.  That helps so that I'll never be bored with the job, but at the same time, that involves so much more decision making...

Is my identity my career?  I hope I'm something more than just a speech pathologist.

Maybe my identity is as a survivor.  Until it broke, I wore a survivor bracelet in the cause color with the nice ribbon.  And it helped remind me that no matter how crummy things were on any particular given day, nothing was as bad as what I'd already been through.  I would actually get one again just because it's a good reminder for me.  A lot of my jewelry has some sort of meaning.  Anyways, at the same time, I don't want that to be my identity either because, again, I hope I'm more than that.  And perhaps more importantly, I don't want people to feel pity for me and then treat me differently.  I hate that...

I'm sure I could keep going with things that might be my identity...  But in the end are any of them really that important?

I was listening to Mark Driscoll's most recent sermon that deals with this topic and he had a quote from someone he was talking to that was something along the lines of how all of these things (in her life) may explain her, but they don't define her.  Woah...

So what is my identity?  It's found in Christ alone.  I don't have to try to create myself to be the person I want to be.  God has already created me to be what He wants.  I may not understand why I am the way I am sometimes, but I know that God gave me the gifts and talents I have for a purpose.  If I remember that my identity is in Him, then I know I'd be much happier.  Life may not always be easy, but putting my faith in something that won't fade away is so much better than trying to listen to what the world says I should be doing.

In the end will those opinions matter?

"In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand"

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