Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Beautiful Life

It's been a while since I've written anything!

Today, I started subbing long term.  It's really awesome how finally after 6 long years of hard work, I get to actually do what I was trained to do!

I used to say "patience is a virtue...I don't have!"  As I've talked about before, I'm really not all.  But something must be changing.  I find that I am learning.  God keeps bringing the lesson around and I realize that He's going to until I learn it.

Today, I was teaching how to answer "how" questions.  One of the questions was "how do you tie your shoes?"


"Just tell me the steps.  One at a time," I encouraged.

"I don't know how."

That broke my heart.  How are you supposed to tell someone the steps to tie a shoe if you've never been taught?

"Would you like me to teach you?"

Two little eyes, full of wonder, watched intently as I slowly walked through the steps.

"Now you try."

Those little eyes concentrated hard on the two strings.  And after a couple of attempts - success!

"You did it!"

I don't know who had a bigger smile...

I'm so glad that I'm learning how to be patient.  If I wasn't learning, I wouldn't have experienced that moment.  I would've simply tied the shoe because I was in a hurry and moved on.

I should stop hurrying...

"A beautiful life
is unfolding before my eyes"

1 comment:

  1. that's so beautiful, Raevynn! I am sure that kid is so happy you were there to teach them.
