Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Like an Avalanche

"So do you desire to worship the only One who's worth it?  Or does your heart say "No, I'd rather worship me"?

I came across this in devotionals a couple of days ago... And it has been haunting me ever since.  The one that I'm currently working on has been going through the Christmas story.  (See related video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAHxobkRVR4)  So how did this topic come up?  Well, in Matthew 2:1-12, we learn of the Wisemen who saw the star and went to worship Jesus.  Now, I know that they weren't there on that very night like many nativity scenes portray, but they're still important.  Their response is important.  They made the long journey just to come worship Jesus.

Would I have done that?  I know what I'd like my answer to be - of course!  But...how hard is it for me to even try to read my Bible every day?  Even when I'm not missing days, aren't there those days too where I just do it because I "have to" and then I can check it off the list and move on with my day?

Later on in the devotional, this is what I found:  "When you worship God, are you giving Him your very best?  Are you just going through the motions?  Or does every fiber of your being crave the presence of God to the point that you cannot help yourself in crying out and worshipping the Creator of the universe?"

That made me think even more about my attitude.  I enjoy serving on the worship team at church.  But are there days where I'm just "going through the motions?"  Often I find my nose buried in my music trying to play all the right notes and do everything perfectly.  Certainly worship teams should practice and play well, as clashing wrong notes can be distracting to those trying to worship.  Isn't the other extreme of treating it like a jury (fellow music majors know what I'm talking about) or a recital distracting too?

Lots to think about, I suppose.  And part of me just wants to say "Okay, here are the steps I need to take to fix this..."  But I don't think that that's the way to go about it either.  I just need... grace.  And that's already been given to me.  So I will continue to seek God in all that I'm doing.  Nothing else really matters unless He's in it.  And I will just sign off with these lyrics by Hillsong United.  They've been running through my head for a while...

And I find myself here on my knees again
Caught in up grace like an avalanche
Nothing compares to this love, love, love
Burning in my heart

Take my life
Take all that I am
With all that I am I will love You
Take my heart
Take all that I have
Jesus, how I adore You

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